What's This Place? Behind the Clicks and Mortar with Miranda Black
What's This Place? Behind the Clicks and Mortar with Miranda Black
Valentine's Day Meditation
A guided meditation on the feelings Valentine's Day can bring up. Great for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the amount of STUFF in their homes.
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Valentine's Day Meditation for Buyers Remorse
[00:00:00] Miranda Black: Out of all the holidays Valentine's is the most conflicted. There's such a chasm between the day to day, reality of love and the shiny red heart celebration we know as Valentine's day. And there's nothing like conflicted feelings and unmet expectations to trigger, regret shopping.
[00:00:21] Miranda Black: Regret shopping easily leads to buyers remorse, and then having to deal with that unwanted inventory. and really what we're dealing with here, are feelings. Because if you're already feeling lonely or you're dealing with unmet expectations, Valentine's day exacerbates these icky feelings, which can be hard to face on your own.
[00:00:42] Miranda Black: So I thought, why not do it together? I've been working on a little meditation experiment. It's something I've been thinking about for awhile. And what better time? Valentine's day, mid February To share my silly exercise I'm going to call Valentine's day meditation to [00:01:00] ward off buyer's remorse.
[00:01:02] Miranda Black: . So. Let us begin. I'd like you to get into a quiet space. I don't mean literally quiet. You can be driving or cooking or cleaning. I just mean a Headspace where you can check in with you. If you're in a place where you can sit down or lie down, it's even better, but it's not required. So, get into your quiet Headspace and then just be aware of your hands. how do they feel? Are they cold or warm?
[00:01:29] Miranda Black: Are they relaxed or gripped with some stress, just feel where they are.
[00:01:34] Miranda Black: Take a breath.
[00:01:38] Miranda Black: And check in with you. How does the space of you feel today? Do you feel in need? Or are you content? Just feel the space of you, who you are.
[00:01:53] Miranda Black: The you of you, whatever that is today. Have no judgment about these feelings. Just [00:02:00] feel them. whatever it is you do feel about your inner self today don't fight it or change it or judge it. Just watch.
Watch how your thoughts change and shift as I'm talking, or maybe they stay the same, but just be with it wherever it goes. Be with your feelings because being with your feelings is being with you. If you have a desire to grab your phone or look at your watch try and resist that and just watch the feeling of wanting that distraction. Does the feeling get bigger? Or does it fade away? Just watch what the feelings do and how they make your body feel.
[00:02:44] Miranda Black: Now, I'm going to ask you to think about something you want. Something you don't have, but you would like to buy. What is that thing? a piece of clothing? Something you saw [00:03:00] recently, is it furniture? Is it something that's financially out of your reach? Is it technology? You might have a lot of things you want, but I want you to choose one.
just choose one. It's okay to choose one. hold it in your mind. now that we have that thing you want in your mind. I'm going to give you that right now for Valentine's day. It's yours. I imagine you have it.
Hold it in your mind own it. How does it feel? How does it look in your house? Is it what you thought it would be? Or is it even better? Or not. Give it a place in your home. Where's it going to go?
[00:03:47] Miranda Black: Do you like where it is? Is that the right place. How does it feel now that you own it? Check in again with your feelings, are they trending in a positive [00:04:00] direction? Do you feel heavy? Do you feel light? You're going to be leaving this imaginary space soon. So take some time to be with your object, to have it in your possession. It's yours.
[00:04:14] Miranda Black: Does this make you want it more? Or does it make you want it less? The answer's going to be different for everyone and there's no right answer. It's okay. To not know how you feel. It's just an exercise.
[00:04:27] Miranda Black: You're going to be leaving this imaginary space now. But the imaginary object, it can stay with you. You know where it is. You can have it. It's yours.
[00:04:42] Miranda Black: Now. Thank your inner self for taking a timeout. For you today. And know that you can come back to this place. Whenever you feel disconnected or dissatisfied. Or you get that icky feeling that things aren't right for you. You can come back and take a [00:05:00] gift from me. Find out.
[00:05:02] Miranda Black: If you really want it. Just check in with yourself, make sure that your buying decision. Lines up with your values, your vision for yourself. Now take a breath.
[00:05:16] Miranda Black: And slowly come back to the reality of your life. Wherever you are, start becoming aware of your hands, where they are.
[00:05:26] Miranda Black: Think about the different feelings you've had in the last five minutes.
[00:05:30] Miranda Black: Think about the Headspace you were in before the podcast started the feelings you had when you held the object I gave you and the feelings you have now. Just notice your thoughts and feelings. Don't judge, try to change them. And let's do a consumer comparison. So feel your hands again. Do they feel warm or cold?
[00:05:54] Miranda Black: Are they loose or are they gripping? Now take a deep breath. [00:06:00]
[00:06:01] Miranda Black: Let it go. I continue on your day. Happy Valentine's day.
Because this was a meditation. There was no good place to put this at the beginning, but my name's Miranda black. I'm the de-growth diva. And this is what's this place podcast. Please remember to subscribe. And if you liked this meditation, I would love a review on apple podcasts. I'll see you next time.